I Fórum Internacional Cultura, Sustentabilidade e Cidadania Climática — Assista

Assista ao I Fórum Internacional Cultura, Sustentabilidade e Cidadania Climática, que ocorreu dia 07 em Belém, completo no YouTube.

I Fórum Internacional Cultura, Sustentabilidade e Cidadania Climática

O Fórum Internacional, idealizado por Marta Porto e parte do projeto Brasil Cultura 23-30, ocorre dia 07 de agosto em Belém.

Gerar Confiança

Leia a nova coluna de Marta Porto para a Revista EXAME.

that multiply

We believe that only through respectful and iconic actions can society be influenced and position itself in an increasingly demanding world.

Culture at
the core of

To interpret the culture of our time, historical cycles and human behavior are the keys to anticipating trends, motivating people and promoting positive impact in the world.

Our Services

We work towards
promoting new
imaginary worlds.

From planning to action, we offer services
that engage, include and invite dialog.

Civic and cause-related

Arts and Culture

Marta Porto

Marta is a journalist, art critic and writer. After 25 years of experience on several fronts, including government, business and international organizations and councils, she has become one of the most renowned Brazilian professionals in the areas of arts and culture, cause-related communications and analyses of scenarios with integrated cultural, political and social impact.

Porto Workshop

Porto Workshop is a creative space where we translate contemporary codes – which we investigate in our Lighthouse – into narratives and solutions aimed at innovating in the fields of Communications and Design.

Manuela Porto

Co-founder of Porto Ateliê

Manuela has a multiple and hybrid history. She graduated in Social Communications at ECO UFRJ and started her career in the fashion market, where she sought to understand people and their behavior. She became a digital communicator, during which she developed research, strategies and placements for brands such as FARM, Oi Futuro, AmbeV and Do Bem.

Artur Porto

Co-founder of Porto Ateliê

Arthur is an interdisciplinary designer.  He holds a bachelor’s degree in Product Design from PUC-Rio/Università di Bologna and a master’s degree in Communications Design from the University of Lisbon.

He has worked in the development of identities and the expression thereof at various design and branding agencies. He has taken part in projects in the areas of visual identity (Festival do Rio),signage (Museu do Futebol), exhibit design (CRAB), packaging (Unilever), product design (Golzinho, which was awarded at the Dubai Design Week), as well as several editorials.

Artur Porto


Assista ao I Fórum Internacional Cultura, Sustentabilidade e Cidadania Climática, que ocorreu dia 07 em Belém, completo no YouTube.
O Fórum Internacional, idealizado por Marta Porto e parte do projeto Brasil Cultura 23-30, ocorre dia 07 de agosto em Belém.

Brasil Cultura 23-30

Veja o documento inicial do projeto Brasil Cultura 23-30

Revista CIF Talks com curadoria de Marta Porto

Está no ar a Revista CIF Talks, resultado das conversas realizadas no 24º Cultura Inglesa Festival, em parceria com o SESC SP e com curadoria de Marta Porto.

Direitos Inalienáveis, ODS e Cultura

Este material aponta princípios, referências e reflexões sobre o papel da cultura na construção de uma sociedade justa e igualitária, com foco na relação com as iniciativas privadas e políticas públicas.
